Letter to Certain Members to Source Outstanding E-Mail Address

March 21st, 2023  

Dear BAICO Pension Plan Members:  

Re: British-American Insurance Company (“BAICO”) Employee Pension Plan  

This letter serves to notify you that pursuant to an Order of the Supreme Court of the  Commonwealth of The Bahamas In the Matter of British American Insurance Company Limited  (In Judicial Management) and In the Matter of The Insurance Act (Chapter 347 of the Statute  Laws of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas), COM/com/00110 of 2009 and effective September 23rd, 2020 I, Judith G. Veira of London Road, Cane Garden, St. Vincent &  the Grenadines, have been appointed by the Supreme Court of The Commonwealth of The  Bahamas (“the Court”) as the Judicial Trustee (“JT”) of the assets of BAICO’s Employee  Pension Plan (“the Pension Plan”). The assets of the Pension Plan shall be referred to as “the  Pension Trust Assets”.  

Role of the Judicial Trustee  

Among the duties of the Judicial Trustee, the primary duty is to ascertain, collect, administer,  and realise the Pension Trust Assets as soon as reasonably practicable between the Pension Plan  Members in accordance with their individual entitlements.  

Urgent Request to Send Your E-Mail Address  

To ensure that you receive all prior and future communication related to the above subject matter, the JT is requesting that persons send an e-mail to [email protected] with subject heading “Current Contact Information”, and a message with your legal name  (include maiden and/or other names, if applicable), mailing address and jurisdiction.  

All persons having a claim against the Pension Trust Assets are directed to  www.trinityconsultingservice.com for information and updates on the status of the distribution of these assets to eligible Pension Plan Members or to eligible beneficiaries. Documents will be added to the website as and when there are developments and further information to be provided.  

A summary of the above information was also published in one of your local newspapers during the period Nov 9th to Nov 20th, 2020.  


Judith Veira, FSA, C. Dir.  

Judicial Trustee for BAICO Pension Plan Assets