Letter to Regulators to Assist in Sourcing Missing E-Mail Addresses
June 19th, 2023
Addressed to the Insurance Regulator of Each Territory
Dear Insurance Regulator:
Re: British-American Insurance Company (“BAICO”) Employee Pension Plan
In my capacity as the Judicial Trustee for the BAICO (In Judicial Management) Pension Plan, I am requesting your assistance in sourcing contact information, preferably an e-mail contact, for certain former pension plan members.
For purposes of distributing the Pension Plan Assets that I am currently holding in trust for the former members, I need credible contact information so that I can provide members with progress reports and be able to contact them as soon as funds are ready to be distributed. The most credible and accurate form of contact is an e-mail address as it allows for immediate communication and is most likely to remain constant, unlike a physical address or phone number.
The JT has made continuous attempts and applied different means (such as, writing to their last known address and/or calling the phone number on file) to source the outstanding e-mail addresses for the members listed on the attachment, but with no success to date. For your reference, attached is a copy of the most recent letter which was sent to the certain members.
To that end, if you have an e-mail address that you can submit to me or if you can ask the member to send an e-mail to [email protected] with subject heading “Current Contact Information”, and a message with their legal name (include maiden and/or other names, if applicable), mailing address, phone number and country that would be of great assistance.
If this request proves to be unsuccessful, the JT will then consider placing a notice in a local newspaper to source the outstanding contact information and include the specific names of the applicable persons.
Background Information
I, Judith G. Veira of London Road, Cane Garden, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, has been appointed by the Supreme Court of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas (“the Court”) as the Judicial Trustee (“JT”) of the assets of BAICO’s Employee Pension Plan (“the Pension Plan”), effective September 23rd, 2020. The appointment is pursuant to an Order of the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas In the Matter of British American Insurance Company Limited (In Judicial Management) and In the Matter of The Insurance Act (Chapter 347 of the Statute Laws of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas), COM/com/00110 of 2009. The assets of the Pension Plan are referred to as “the Pension Trust Assets”.
Among the duties of the Judicial Trustee, the primary duty is to ascertain, collect, administer, and realise the Pension Trust Assets as soon as reasonably practicable between the Pension Plan Members in accordance with their individual entitlements.
All persons having a claim against the Pension Trust Assets are directed to www.trinityconsultingservice.com for information and updates on the status of the distribution of these assets to eligible Pension Plan Members or to eligible beneficiaries. Documents will be added to the website, as and when, there are developments and further information to be provided.
Please contact me if you have any questions and I look forward to your reply. Sincerely,
Judith Veira, FSA, C. Dir.
Judicial Trustee for BAICO Pension Plan Assets